
Glaucoma Eye Medications

A look at the various classes and respective drugs commonly used for the treatment of Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension. Read about Prostaglandins, Alpha Agonists, Beta Blockers, Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, and Miotic medications.

Which is the eye drop with less side effects?

Submitted by Sandro on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 1:07am

 Hi again.. i'm happy to had found a place where i can discuss of intraocular hypertension..even if is in english.. and i'm italian!..

i would want to ask you which is the eye drop - for intraouclar pression elevated (mine is24)  with less side effects.. pilocarpine? travatan? or timogel? or there are other bettar with less side effects? anyone of you tried something else?

thanks for your help




Internet Ayurvedic Medicines: Benefits and Hazards

Submitted by nancy wolfe on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 5:30am

A lengthy but very interesting discussion about quality of herbal medicines offered to consumers nowadays, some tips on identifying the best and the worst supplement manufacturers and, of course, pieces of advice about how you can improve your dietary practices to enjoy higher quality of your health and life.

Timing of Eye drops: how precise that should be?

Submitted by pmpvip on Tue, 08/14/2007 - 8:46am


I was dignoised with glaucoma two month back.

Currently I use Timolet (one Drop in each eye) at around 7.00AM and 7.00 PM. and Lumigen at night around 9.00 PM ( One drop in each eye)

(1) How precisely we should follow this timing of eye drops. Altering time by 30 min or so only for two days in week  (so that it fit to work schedule) should be OK or not?

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