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Are we elevating our IOP by engaging in intense exercise regimens that lower our blood pressure?

Submitted by vinny on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 8:32pm

I notice that after my workouts my blood pressure declines precipitiously to approximately 90/50. My heart rate is approximately 38-45 beats per minute. Due to the association of low blood pressure with potential damage to the optic nerve should we be decreasing the intensity of our exercise regimens to prevent too low blood pressure changes?

Exfoliation diagnosis in question but IOPs appear to be elevating

Submitted by vinny on Sun, 11/15/2009 - 9:31am

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I was diagnosed as being suspect for exfoliation syndrome (my primary diagnosis is Pigment Dispersia disorder). However, I obtained a second opinion from an Opthamologist who was trained at bascom and after a comprehensive exam he found no indication of this syndrome. He did note that this did not guarantee hat I would not develop this syndrome in ten years or so.

Pressure differentials between eyes?

Submitted by bstruss on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 6:57am

 In the last couple weeks, my right eye has measured higher pressures than my left on 'most' days. The differential is a bit higher in the mornings and can be about 4-5pts (i.e, typical average L=15, R=20). When my pressures are overall less, the difference is about 2-3pts (though not all the time).  However, looking back at several months of records this seems to be more of a recent occurence. For those practicing self tonometry, have you noticed a bilateral shift in pressures over a several day period? I cannot determine any variable that might explain this.

The fight over the future of food

Submitted by dave on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 4:41pm

This is an interesting article that continues a topic worthy of greater discussion.

NEW YORK/WASHINGTON/MILAN (Reuters) - At first glance, Giuseppe Oglio's farm near Milan looks like it's suffering from neglect. Weeds run rampant amid the rice fields and clover grows unchecked around his millet crop.

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Future Step For Self-Tonometry Research with Brain Computer Interface

Submitted by dave on Tue, 11/10/2009 - 9:25am

I am working on plans to take my self-tonometry research to the next level by incorporating physiological monitoring with frequent self-tonometry. I have been focusing on using heart rate variability as a measure of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The goal of this is to correlate changes in intraocular pressure with changes in ANS state. My preliminary work looks promising. Tools to monitor ECG-accurate heart rate variability are affordable to people engaged in self-tonometry research.

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normal/low pressure glaucoma

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/08/2009 - 6:49pm

I am 51 with no family history of glaucoma and, despite a trabeculectomy and drops, my vision continues to deteriorate even though my IOP is low. It's quite terrifying and I find it hard to talk about to my friends. i would like to hear from others about how they coped with this.

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Yoga And Meditation Change Gene Response To Stress

Submitted by bstruss on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 8:41pm

The following (below) is an excerpt from this article..

"This study provides the first compelling evidence that the RR [relaxation response] elicits specific gene expression changes in short-term and long- term practitioners."

They wrote that their findings suggest:

Unusual symptoms

Submitted by vinny on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 10:17pm

I have been experiencing a tugging/pulling sensation in one eye for the past six weeks that makes it feel as if this eye is not accomodating/adjusting appropriately. My visual acuity is excellent. I was examined by two opthamologists and they found blepharitis and redundant conjnctiva but no other pathology was found that could cause this problem. I did experience an injury to my TMJ last year which may be playing a role in these symptoms. I also have not been sleeping for more than five hours a night for the past six weeks which I suspect may be adding to this problem.

high blood pressure / stress / affects on eye pressure

Submitted by patrick48 on Mon, 11/02/2009 - 10:13am

My opthamologist tells me there is not a relationship between emotional stress and high blood pressure affecting eye pressure. I am currently on medication for my high blood pressure and lexapro for depression. My current job is high stress due to working conditions.   Does all of this affect my eye pressure?

Thanks for any input.


tumeric bioavailability

Submitted by vinny on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 12:58pm

Although tumeric is considered a viable neuroprotectant the only research study I was able to find regarding its bioavailability after ingestion of this supplement seems to show that it has low oral bioavailability in humans. This is because it may undergo intestinal metatbolism. This raises the question as to whether the active constitutents of this herb can cross the blood/brain barrier and perform its antioxidant activity as a neuroprotectant.

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Intraocular pressure too low after trabeculectomy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/22/2009 - 6:13pm

I had a trabecelectomy 3 months ago, 3 stitches were lasered afterwards and
my pressure was low, but not too low..since i lost considerable vision in
that eye, my doctor was satisfied..However, the pressure has gone too low and
he is trying a pressure patch, otherwise, suggests surgery to add another
stitch.. Any input??or similar experiences?? I really dont want another

Sleep and IOP?

Submitted by bstruss on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 9:07pm

One of the things which I have not gotten around to testing is the effect of quality of sleep on IOP. Has anyone done any tonomotry testing attempting to pinpoint sleep quality/quantity as a variable? Also, would such things as going to bed early/late, or getting up early/late have any effect? Just curious if anyone has noticed any patterns in IOP related to amount of sleep, restfullness, awakening and rising time, etc. I will have to start paying more attention to this, but so far I have not varied my sleep patterns enough to make an observation.

Dramatic Improvement in Visual Field

Submitted by andrea on Sat, 10/17/2009 - 1:03am

I was diagnosed with Glaucoma in January of 2005. I have taken Alphagan all this time. Yesterday I saw the Dr treating me for Glaucoma. She showed me yesterday's visual field compared to one a year before. The old one was mostly black. The new one was mostly covered with numbers from 4 to 27 and a few areas of the top-31. Wow. My doctor said she thinks Alphagan has a neuroprotective effect. I know it was studied and found not to be useful for this but there must have been some reason to study it after all the time it has been around. There may be some others like me.

Goldmann Applanation Tonometry Video

Submitted by dave on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 2:22pm

Dr. Robert Ritch say that while this is not a perfect video, "I don’t know of a better video on tonometry."

Dear all,
Please go to link below to see my uploaded video on 'APPLANATION TONOMETRY' on youtube
Dr. Manav Deep Singh

The specific limitations I see are:

Suspect exfoliation syndrome

Submitted by vinny on Sun, 10/11/2009 - 10:06pm

I was recently informed that I was suspect for exfoliation syndrome.and was extremely disturbed by this news. The fact that this disease is often accompanied by systemic cerebral and cardiovascular disease with high morbidity and mortality resulted in a storm of anxiety regarding the potential future course of my life.  Although my IOP is within the normal range I do not know when and if this syndrome will progress as well as its speed of progression.

I would appreciate hearing from others with this syndrome.



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