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Correlation of IOP and Blood Pressure

Submitted by johnc on Wed, 09/01/2010 - 9:19pm

My blood pressure has moved up significantly and my eye pressure went up as well. The doctor visits were less than a week apart. My research on the Internet shows that there are correlations between the two. Any thoughts??


Time of Day to Exercise

Submitted by johnc on Sun, 05/02/2010 - 5:16pm

My IOP is generally higher in the morning (18 / 21 - with drop evening before in both eyes). However my pressure can swing to (13(had ECP coupled with cataract surgery) / 18 - 20) in the late afternoon. I enjoy running and was curious by running in the morning since the pressure in the  eyes are at the highest, would that be worse than running later in the day when the pressure is down?

My Opthamologist says' it does not matter but getting blood flood and circulation to the Optic nerve is the most important thing. I don't think he took my question/comment seriously.

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