
my approach to glaucoma: glucose matters !

Submitted by robekb on Sun, 09/05/2010 - 10:09am

Inspired by what I read in "Diabetes Solution" by Bernstein and other sources I decided to test this for myself. I was struck how similar the effects of diabetes to one's eyes were to those observed in glaucomatic eyes (diabetes causes glaucoma too BTW). Bernstein himself states that when his blood glocose was not under control he "suffered night blindness, balooning of the blood vessels in the eyes, macular edema and early cataracts".

"Good Calories, Bad Calories" By Gary Taubes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 8:42am

I am reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" By Gary Taubes right now. It is fascinating how bad research can become "good science" regarding fats and cholesterol! Of unexpected relevance to the FitEyes Insight eye pressure research for me at this time. I hope to keep my thinking clear and true, free of personality!

experimental eye drops containing nerve growth factor

Submitted by varma on Mon, 08/23/2010 - 9:26am

Hi Dave,

I've had glaucoma since my early twenties, 41 now. Thanks for your website, to say it has been helpful is an understatement.

I wanted to bring your attention to some glaucoma news I found while googling, I dont think it is already covered in the news section. Its on experimental eye drops containing NGF's (nerve growth factor) which work a bit like stemcells if i understand it correctly. In the small scale experiment lost vision has been (partially )recovered. It sure sounds like a miracle cure.

I have been tossed in the middle of the ocean and been told I better learn to swim!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 08/22/2010 - 9:13pm

Hello - I feel as though I have been tossed in the middle of the ocean and been told I better learn to swim! I've been a glaucoma suspect for 15 or 20 years. I'm now a "strong" suspect and have some damage in both eyes. My pressure is now 21 and 22. From what the doctor has said, I won't be surprised if he puts me on drops next time.

I'm now going in for pressure readings every 3 months.

Top 10 Reasons For Not Taking Your Glaucoma Eye Drops

Submitted by JohnJohn on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 3:32pm


Dr. Amy Hennessy of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore stated "Getting eyedrops into the eye is not the same as asking a patient to swallow a pill, or use a skin cream. It's easier said than done."


Consider 64% of glaucoma patients state they follow physcian's instructions "Extremely closely". Yet :

Syntonic Light Therapy in the Treatment of Glaucoma

Submitted by Dr. Edward Kondrot on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 8:53am

Syntonic Light Therapy in the Treatment of Glaucoma
Presented at the International Syntonic Light Conference held in St. Pete Beach, Fl
April 28th - May 1st


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