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Submitted by Eyebrite on Sat, 09/28/2013 - 12:35am

Hi everyone,

There has not much recent discussion at concerning the IOP lowering and neuroprotective benefits of Cannabis.

I'd like to hear from members of the fiteyes community about the various strains of canabis which have proven to be the most effective. Dosage and method of intake woud aldo be helpful to know.

I have tried all kinds of supplements and alternative therapies including high dose intervenous vitamin C/glutathione.


Cannabis is the only natural substance which has quickly lower my IOP.

Look forward to your comments.

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Ozone Theraoy

Submitted by Eyebrite on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 12:47am

Does anyone have any experience with Ozone therapy? 

My naturepathatic doctor is encouraging me to try it and there are numerous studies (outside the USA) which seem to indicate that Ozone is a viable therapy for Glaucoma.





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Vitamin C Drops with DMSO

Submitted by Eyebrite on Thu, 09/03/2009 - 2:03am

Does anyone have experience using Vitamin C eye drops which include a small amount of DMSO? 

I have found a few compounding pharmancies that have this formula available. I would think that the DMSO would increase the potency of the Vitamin C (in the eye) and the DMSO might stimulate the trabecular meshwork and increase fluid outlfow.

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