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Factors That Define Fit Eyes

Submitted by dave on Sun, 12/31/2006 - 2:31pm

Here are some of the factors that define fit eyes:

Dynamic Visual Acuity
This is the ability to clearly see objects while you and the objects are moving fast.

Visual Concentration
Visual Concentration is the ability to screen out distractions and stay focused on the competition.

Peripheral Vision
This is the ability to see something out of the corner of your eye. In sports, much of what happens does not happen directly in front of you.  It is important to increase your ability to see action to the side without having to turn your head.

Field of Vision
This is the ability to see a wide scope of action. It depends, in part, on peripheral vision but it is primarily a mental phenomenon and it may incorporate methods of perception that are not scientifically well-understood. However, we do know that fit eyes training can increase an athlete's field of vision.

Eye Tracking
This is the ability to follow objects without much head motion. Eye tracking helps you maintain better balance and react to the situation more quickly.

Eye-Hand-Body Coordination
Eye-Hand-Body Coordination is how well you can use your muscles based on what you see with your eyes. It is an important part of all sports because it affects both timing and control.

Visual Memory
Visual Memory is your ability to process and remember a fast moving, complex picture of everything happening on the track. The athlete with good visual memory always seems to be in the right place at the right time.

Visualization is the skill that enables you to see yourself performing well in your "mind's eye" while your eyes are seeing and concentrating on something else. Using scanning techniques, researchers have found that the same areas of the brain that light up during performance also do so when you visualize the performance.

Visual Reaction Time
Your visual reaction time is the speed with which your brain interprets and reacts to the action happening around you during competition (or in everyday life situations too).

Depth Perception
Depth perception enables you to quickly and accurately judge the distance between yourself, your opponents and other obstancles.

As you know, the theme of this blog is that training for fit eyes should be an integral part of preparing for any athletic competition, just like physical fitness training is today.

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