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Did anyone try Eye-Robics

Submitted by Agnes on Thu, 09/10/2009 - 11:11pm

Do you experience glaucoma, cataracts or any other eye problem? If so, you will want to learn about the benefits of the Eye-Robics Program. It works with the causes of vision problems not the symptoms.

Dr. Wm. H. Bates, M.D., ophthalmologist discovered over 90 years ago the cause of eye problems. He removed cataracts, dealt with glaucoma, strabismus, nearsighted, (myopia), farsighted (presbyopia), macular degeneration, literally all vision problems. For instance, he found that when he removed the cataract lens of a patient the eye still accommodated which according to his training was not possible. The theory then as now is that the lens alone does all of the accommodating. Dr. Bates went into the laboratory and found in his research that the ocular muscles are responsible for accommodation. The lens moves in harmony with the elongation and flattening of the eye.

Optometrists and ophthalmologists today still only deal with the symptoms of vision problems, by fitting glasses contacts or surgery. This was one of the questions that Dr. Bates asked many years ago, "Why if glasses are correct, must they continually be strengthened because the eyes, under their influence have weakened"?

The eyes are tools of the brain/mind. Just as ulcers and heart attacks are caused by prolonged stress (psycho somatic illness), so is the vision affected by stress. These stresses are always accompanied by changes. People moving, changing schools, a divorce, a death, career changes, a difficult relationship. These changes create stress and an element of the unknown that evokes fear. This fear is usually repressed as a survival mechanism and never dealt with again.

As apposed to a medical or mechanical approach, Eye-Robics training is based on the principle of relaxation. Eye-Robics teaches specific techniques and skills for relaxing mental stress, releasing muscle tension and restoring muscle flexibility. Eye-Robics releases the strain that keeps you from seeing clearly and re-educates the mind and body in good visual habits. Eye-Robics is physical therapy for the eyes. If the vision can deteriorate, it can also be rejuvenated just like the rest of the body. Eye-Robics is easy, exciting, safe, fun and it's for everyone, regardless of age or strength of glasses. Participants in the Eye-Robics program can expect 25% - 75% improvement in the first six weeks.

View the testimonial video of a very severe case of glaucoma and cataracts that benefited tremendously from the Eye-Robics program. Click on Glaucoma/Cataracts ar This woman was not getting any results from medication with her eye pressure. She had a lazy eye and had very poor eyesight. She had already had the cataract removed from one eye. She could not read print at the beginning of her eye training. In a very short time her pressure went to normal and she could read again.

You may also read about how cataracts are benefited with the Eye-Robics program the above case is a very extreme case. It shows the validity of this work. Where ever you may be with your own vision you can experience the same positive results with the Eye-Robics Program. As you go through the process of regaining function, you will be seeing better and better. Eye-Robics allows nature to do its’ own healing. The stress that caused the problem in the beginning is relieved and circulation is improved and eyes normalize. Eye-Robics improves the vision and soothes the nerves system.

The Bates Method is physical therapy for the eyes. The process allows the muscles to return to functioning and therefore a healthy state allowing good circulation. The benefits are the tremendous stress reduction on the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Bates says, ”All vision problems are nerve problems”. So the cause is stress in the mind and the cure is to release that stress and tension and allow nature to heal. The cure is in the release and allowing. This physical therapy can teach you how to heal yourself. Take you health into your own hands. To view videos/testimonials and learn about how you can have a clearer view physically and mentally visit


Author's Bio
Dr. Taber has been owner/director of the Vision Training Institute Inc. since 1973 (for over 36 years). Dr. Taber is a pioneer in the natural vision field. She wore glasses for ten years before learning the Dr. Bates Method. She has dedicated her life to assisting others to learn how they too can achieve normal vision.

She had successfully worked with literally thousands of people and all vision problems, nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, hyperopia, amblyopia, nystagmus, macular degeneration, glaucoma, strabismus, cataract, ptosis (drooping eyelid), bells’ palsy, eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, light sensitivity and computer eyestrain. Because of this she has developed the Eye-Robics home program in order for many more people to experience what she has experienced, normal vision.
Her vision expertise comes from the original training as handed down from Dr. Wm. H. Bates, M.D., ophthalmologist (details on website)

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