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Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment #2

Submitted by tsingle999 on Wed, 01/28/2009 - 10:08pm

I had an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of May 2008 and experienced relief from exercise induced temporary visual field loss, a disappearance of a leg length discrepancy, reduction of my right ear tinnitus symptoms and a better feeling in my right eye.

 So I didn't see the Atlas guy for 4 months (was supposed to see him in 3 at the start of december but pushed it back). The last 6 weeks or so i wondered if the atlas had gone out: I had more neck pain and my vision problem when i exercised was back. 
So i saw him at the start of January and he said it looks like it had been out for 4 or 5 weeks - he could tell by the state of muscle spasm I guess. 
So he gently adjusted it and when i sat up i felt like i could see better, colors seemed brighter and the right eye was feeling flushed or oxygenated. Now I didn't want to say too much as it sounded too much like placebo effect so I said my right eye feels better. He says to me "you know i really should get an eye chart in here because almost everyone says they see better immediately after the adjustment and that colors seem brighter." I start laughing and said that was exactly what i was thinking. 
I played squash today and saw the ball extremely well and had lost all the symptoms from before where my vision starts to close down in 1 eye during play. 
The rolfing session before my atlas adjustment my rolfer was concerned with how bent my right knee was. I saw the atlas guy and he measured my leg lengths and the right leg was longer and after the adjustment they were even again. My rolfer was a happy camper again too. 
My first adjustment was in May and it held all the way to ~December. Supposedly you usually need a trauma to knock it out but i couldn't think of one - I am not sure how it got knocked out?
Anyways I encourage people with leg length discrepancies and glaucoma damage in 1 eye to pursue this treatment. Especially if the longer leg is the same side as the damaged eye. 

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