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Interesting Article

Submitted by Davis on Wed, 04/06/2011 - 4:09pm

I thought this might be an interesting article for all.

20 years ago a doctor declared my IOP to be uncontrollable and I would go blind (I had a penetrating injury to my eye). He told me that eventually I would lose my eye. As a 20 year old I baulked at the idea and told him that I wanted to keep my eye even as painful as it was because one day they might be able to restore my sight. His response was,"the day they can restore your vision will be the day that they can product a race of human clones and that is way beyond your lifetime". Hmmm...

SSRIs and other Anti Depressants

Submitted by Davis on Fri, 09/04/2009 - 11:23am

I have found little research but quite a lot of anetdotal evidence on the internet on the effects of SSRIs on ocular pressure. A few years ago I went for a routine check up at the optometrist and found that my pressure was 30 in my only remaining eye. I lost my right eye due to a rugby accident and as part of my experience with that know too well the trials of retina and glaucoma treatments.

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