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New Research on Acupuncture and Eye Pressure Presented at ARVO
New research presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) annual meeting last week revealed that acupuncture can dramatically reduce eye pressure (intraocular pressure). The study, titled Electro-acupuncture to decrease intraocular pressure in Rhesus monkeys with chronic glaucoma, was performed by scientists at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Cantwell was the lead researcher and she was at ARVO to present the results.
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New to Glaucoma (and the forum!)
Hello, everyone.
Thanks to the power of Google I came across this wonderful site. I'm a 30 year-old in Phoenix, AZ with low/normal pressure Glaucoma. I was diagnosed in February '07 after switching eye care providers. For the last handful of years, I had been going to Nationwide Vision Center for my annual eye exams. They never required me to undergo eye dilation, and not knowing how important that is, I never insisted. When I switched to my current eye doctor, she dilated my eyes and the rest is history.
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Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2007 Annual Meeting
I will be attending the ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) 2007 Annual Meeting. You may not see much activity on my blogs until after May 11th, but I'm sure I'll have a lot of interesting news to report after the conference. My schedule for the week is packed full of sessions on the latest research in glaucoma and related topics.
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Age related changes in the lamina cribrosa
This article isn't new, but I found the abstract interesting. Since the time of publication a lot of research has been done on oxidative stress and Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) in glaucoma. In a vicious cycle AGEs lead to the generation of reactive oxygen species and AGE production is promoted by oxidative stress. Both are thought to be factors in the increasing stiffness of the lamina cribrosa.
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this is just great for the nerve...
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Use Coenzyme Q10 with Timolol Eye Drops for Glaucoma
If you use ocular beta blockers such as timolol for glaucoma, consider using coenzyme Q10 supplements. Even with careful use (including punctal occlusion), some glaucoma patients experience serious cardiovascular side effects from timolol. However, several studies have found that coenzyme Q10 can improve cardiovascular health. And one study specifically found that coenzyme Q10 reduced those cardiovascular side effects caused by timolol eye drops. Therefore, I would not consider using timolol eye drops without also using coenzyme Q10. Below are excerpts from two published articles aboutthe importance of coenzyme Q10 for glaucoma patients.
Effect of coenzyme Q10 on hemodynamic response to ocular timolol.
The Effect of Travoprost Z, Latanoprost and Their Individual Components on the Ocular Surface (Corneal and Conjunctival Epitheli
Prostaglandin analogues (PGAs) are the most common treatment for glaucoma. Most PGA formulations, like travoprost and latanoprost, contain the preservative benzalkonium chloride (BAK). Travoprost Z is preserved with a new ionic buffered preservative system, sofZia. To evaluate the potential toxicity of travoprost Z, travoprost, latanoprost and their components to the ocular surface, a tissue culture model utilizing immortalized corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells was utilized.
maitake or other mushrooms neuroprotection glaucoma?
Have any of you seen any research publications on the neuroprotective effects of mushrooms?
thanks so much,
maitake or other mushrooms neuroprotection glaucoma?
Have any of you seen any lit on this?
thanks so much,
The role of oxidative stress in glaucoma
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Open angle glaucoma: epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention
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White Coat Syndrome for Eye Pressure
I have strong evidence that I exhibit a white coat syndrome for intraocular pressure (eye pressure). First, let me provide some background on white coat syndrome.
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Reduce Your Eye Pressure with a Jacuzzi
Would anyone like to join me in the jacuzzi for an eye pressure experiment? Here's how it is supposed to work:
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Krill Oil Benefits for Vision - Better Than Fish Oil?
Could krill oil be better than fish oil and become one of the superfoods you take regularly? Revisit the conversation about foods that are good for your vision and overall health by reading through this blog post by Dave.
Glaucoma, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: An Attempt to Unify Recent News
This article is my attempt to unify some of what has been proposed about the mechanism underlying retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss in glaucoma.
India hits back in 'bio-piracy' battle
By Soutik Biswas
BBC News, Delhi
In a quiet government office in the Indian capital, Delhi, some 100 doctors are hunched over computers poring over ancient medical texts and keying in information.
These doctors are practitioners of ayurveda, unani and siddha, ancient Indian medical systems that date back thousands of years.
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IOP testing tonometer - medicine
I am using Timolet 0.5% from last two years. it keep constant my eye pressure to 17 -19 on both eye. If I use it keeping 13 around on both eyes.
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Best Glaucoma Doctors and Clinics In USA
My pick for the best glaucoma clinic in the US (and maybe in the world) is Glaucoma Associates of New York at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary.
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FDA approval of Botanical drugs
Is a Shotgun Better
Than a Silver Bullet?
WSJ March 2, 2007; Page B1
HONG KONG -- Chinese doctors have long experimented with combinations of herbs to cure disease. If a plant extract helped to fight an infection, why bother trying to figure out which molecule did the trick? It worked, and that's what counted.
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