
Wearing swimming goggles can elevate intraocular pressure

Submitted by dave on Sun, 05/24/2009 - 1:53pm

We list three studies below that show swim googles can elevate eye pressure. Thanks to FitEyes member "togburn" we have a product recommendation for swimmers. The recommendation comes by way of optometrist Michelle Solomon in Richmond, VA, USA. Dr. Solomon is recommending swim goggles like the Aqua Sphere Seal Swim Mask by Aqua Sphere.

Test Results

Submitted by Svenska on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 8:49pm

. Today was my follow-up appointment with my Orthomo to discuss the results of my Visual Field Test and Optic Nerve Imaging Photos that were taken last week. To back up a little it was early this summer at my regular eye exam with my Optomotrist that it was discovered that my eye pressure was high and needed to be evaluated by a doctor. The Optomotrist measured 29 IOP. 

Details on Aryuveda medicine or treatments in Glaucoma

Submitted by pmpvip on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 9:11am

Thanks for answering my question in length and depth.

Since there is no sure cure for recovering from damage of Optic nerve caused by glaucoma in our ALOPATHIC treatments, I was looking for other possible treatments in Conjuction with Alopathic for my self.

Can the heavy use of a computer be a cause of glaucoma?

Submitted by vis01 on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 4:01pm

Almost every eye specialist you might visit nowadays will confidently answer "of course, not!" Is it so clear? From my personal experience, I learnt that a heavy use of computer (often I spend the whole workday working on the computer) often causes me eye discomfort, pains, and headaches. Therefore, my impression always was that the conventional medicine doesn't have the full answers.

Nutrition and the Eyes

Submitted by dave on Wed, 03/07/2007 - 11:40am

 Mr. Bill Sardi, who has collected and studied a great deal of research on our eyes, spoke at a NOHA program on "Nutrition and the Eyes," October 15, 1997. He pointed out that our eyes are subject to radiation from light and that in the act of seeing they use a great deal of energy. As we know, in order to live we produce energy by using oxygen; this process produces many harmful free radicals, which then need to be quenched.


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