For those of us with glaucoma or ocular hypertension, our goal is for the fluid in the eye (aqeous humor) to be able to flow freely out the two exit pathways from the eye. In this context, we had a recent discussion on the benefits of fish oil and DHA for glaucoma. In this discussion, someone raised this point:
Quote: "fish oil can improve membrane permeability"
That's a useful fact on its own. But that got me thinking about what I have learned from teaching and practicing Serene Impulse (and doing so as both a glaucoma patient and a personal self-tonometry researcher).
Fish oils (including DHA) may have a small effect on IOP -- but much less of an effect than other things I have identifed as a result of mixing self-tonometry and Serene Impulse -- and also as a result of interacting with other tonometer owners in the FitEyes community.
In pursuing knowledge that will help me manage glaucoma, I have a guiding principle: don't waste your time going after the small change. Go for the stuff with the big payoff. Mental and emotional tension, which always lead to tissue contraction, are a key area where we can find that big payoff. For some background, please see this link:
And here's another related post by Bailey:
And I will expand on all of this in the present article and tie it together into an (informal) theory of elevated intraocular pressure.