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Thanks for your interest in, the largest eye pressure research and glaucoma support community in the world! We take pride in our most original and rich content as well as in our scientific approach to eye pressure monitoring and improving one's vision health and general well-being. We look forward to your participation.
After you create an account, you will receive your one-time login link via email, so please make sure you can check your email at the email address you provide during registration.
As part of your membership, you are also automatically enrolled in the FitEyes Email Discussion Group where you receive discussion emails, post your questions to the Group, and have informal email conversations with our highly intelligent and helpful members.
To register with you MUST read and agree to the information below.
FitEyes has an education-oriented mission and FitEyes includes health-related learning resources. However, is neither designed nor intended to provide medical advice.
Anyone can add information to the webpages at This means that anything you read here should not be trusted for anything as important as making medical decisions. If there is medical or health-related FitEyes content that you interpret as medical advice, you are making a serious error and putting your health at risk.
Trained and licensed health professionals have experience and other resources that are not available to you here at You are a danger to yourself if you imagine that you can substitute reading FitEyes for receiving appropriate professional medical advice. Anything you read at, including advice from medical or other licensed professionals, could be wrong, misleading or dangerous to your health if interpreted as medical advice.
At a minimum, the information acquired at public websites should be verified by independent reliable trusted sources. can be a good starting point for personal research but all information should be followed up by a rigorous validation effort via other trusted sources, especially your own medical professional.
Nobody at can establish a doctor-patient relationship with you and nobody should interpret health-related information at as a basis for doctor-patient interactions or providing medical advice.
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We are happy to welcome you to the FitEyes community! Team