
Eye pressure decrease with movement exercise like Qigong?

Submitted by bstruss on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 10:08pm

I wish to mention the technique Gyoshi Ho which  is used in Reiki. This techinque is also known as eyes healing and heres a small description about this technique :

Is possible that Gyoshi Ho can reduce IOP?

Dave's Theory About Intraocular Pressure

Submitted by MaryClaire on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 9:11pm

I just wish I could say one way or the other whether these practices affect my intraocular pressure.

And I also wish we knew if your theory is correct: that as a person continues to do TaiChi and/or EFT, their intraocular pressure settles down.


Consciousnes and Eye Pressure - further thoughts

Submitted by bstruss on Fri, 01/22/2010 - 1:17pm

 Here is what i have noticed after several months of recording my eye pressures. 

  • I can sometime detect an immediate correlation between a 'negative' or stressful thought (or anxiety) and an increase in my eye pressure.

consciousness and eye pressure

Panic attacks, adrenal exhaustion, eye pressure and consciousness

Submitted by dave on Sun, 01/17/2010 - 2:01pm

FitEyes post about the healing power of consciousnessLow blood pressure can be a problem for glaucoma patients because it results in insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve.

A lot of glaucoma patients suffer from anxiety, stress, panic attacks and other similar issues. Those issues lead to adrenal fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. And adrenal fatigue/exhaustion can lead to low blood pressure (hypotension).

The God Choice (Article From USA Today)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 10:47pm

The God choice

Armed with new technology, scientists are peering into the brain to better understand human spirituality. What if, they say, God isn’t some figment of our imagination? Instead, perhaps brain chemistry simply reflects an encounter with the divine.

By Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Meditation May Boost Short-Term Visual Memory

Submitted by dave on Thu, 05/21/2009 - 10:29pm

The following story illustrates that different forms of meditation build different types of skills. My own research also suggests that different forms of meditation have differing effects on intraocular pressure. 

Meditation May Boost Short-Term Visual Memory

05.21.09, 02:00 PM EDT

Study involving DY meditation could have wide-ranging implications

THURSDAY, May 21 (HealthDay News) -- A certain type of meditation may help the brain retain images for short periods, says a new study on visual-spatial abilities.

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Waking Up In Order To See Fully

Submitted by dave on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 7:04pm

In order to come to a fuller use of the senses, the organism has to be in a state of balance, in a state of rest. At the same time, the organism has to be in a state of alertness. So these two necessary things seem to contradict each other: restfulness and alertness. Restfulness is a state of quiet. Alertness is a state of dynamism, aliveness and receptivity. Restfulness allows the impressions to reach us; alertness allows the impressions to be sensed.

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World Epidemic of Blindness to Reality Because of Myopic Perceptions

Submitted by dave on Sat, 09/27/2008 - 9:35pm

 Considering current events, including the health care crisis and the global financial crisis, I found Dr. Roberto Kaplan's talk from a few years ago to be very relevant. Here is a summary of his talk I found somewhere (and I have since lost the source). I love the quote because I think it says a lot about how many world leaders are approaching solutions to our current problems -- very short sighted.


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