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Laser iridotomy or trabeculectomy

Submitted by Arshee on Sun, 12/08/2013 - 6:10pm

Hi everyone, I have been a glaucoma patient for the last 16 years. I am 43 years old with a strong family history of glaucoma. Recently i was diagnosed with plateau iris and  my doctor started me on pilocarpine 3 times daily, so now i am taking four different drops. These drops have many side effects and dont suit me well. I have also heard that long term use of pilocarpine is not recommended. I have seen two other doctors since then. What is confusing is that one of them suggested a trabeculectomy and the other suggested a laser iridotomy. My third option is to wait and seek other therapies such as meditation or accupuncture. I am leaning towards the laser iridotomy as it seems to have the least risk but i may be wrong. I have also heard that laser is not very effective on younger people. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also I would like to thank all the members here for creating an amazing resource for people like us who suffer from glaucoma.

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