central nervous system

The God Choice (Article From USA Today)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/22/2009 - 10:47pm

The God choice

Armed with new technology, scientists are peering into the brain to better understand human spirituality. What if, they say, God isn’t some figment of our imagination? Instead, perhaps brain chemistry simply reflects an encounter with the divine.

By Barbara Bradley Hagerty

Brain's Object Recognition System Activated By Touch Alone

Submitted by dave on Mon, 06/01/2009 - 10:17pm

Portions of the brain that activate when people view pictures of objects compared to scrambled images can also be activated by touch alone, confirms a new report published online on May 28th in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.

"That's the nub of the paper," said Harriet Allen of the University of Birmingham. "Part of the brain is for object processing irrespective of the sensory input coming in."

No disease in the brain of a 115-year-old woman

Submitted by dave on Fri, 05/29/2009 - 3:28pm

Are there limits to the duration of high quality of life? Are there limits to healthy life for a human brain? [These questions are relevalant for vision as well as cognitive health because the optic nerve is part of the central nervous system.]

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