

At Fiteyes, we believe that the greatest wisdom concerning our management of glaucoma, is found in the feedback which we receive from our practice of self tonometry. This is especially true because all of us are different, and while there are many commonalities in the ways which our eye pressures react to internal states and outside influences, there can also be a great amount of individual variance. Most people who begin self tonometry have found the practice to be extremely valuable in the management of their disease, and in providing valuable feedback for their doctor. However, there can be pitfalls and learning curves in getting the most from the tonometer. Therefore, we have included experiences from some of our Fiteyes tonometry community below.


The following comes from Sally,

I have been using my Reichert  AT555 for about 4 years now and really can't imagine not having an efficient way to monitor my IOP on a daily basis. I have learned so much about how to help myself improve my situation and care for my eye health. Here are some examples:

What is Self-Tonometry?

The current trend in health care is for the patient to be as educated and involved in the treatment and monitoring of their health issues as is possible. There are dozens of new innovations which allow a patient to participate in collecting data relevant to their diseases, and self monitoring of Intraocular eye pressures using a portable or air puff tonometer for those with glaucoma, is one such area in which Fiteyes leads the way!

All of us benefit from knowing that we have a sense of power in managing our health and fortunately, “patient empowerment” is an increasing trend when it comes to management of diseases. It was not long ago that it was felt that the medical community alone could provide necessary solutions towards our health and diseases. For example, it has only been within the last several years that home blood pressure monitoring has become common place, and there is probably not a medical professional alive that would discourage this practice. In fact, in many cases a wise doctor today will even request ambulatory BP monitoring throughout the day (with an accurate device) before commencing pharmaceutical hypertension treatment. It is recognized that blood pressure varies considerably based on diurnal patterns, medication side effects, and mental states - especially so called “white coat hypertension.”

One-time comparison between 7CR and Goldmann readings

Submitted by Sean Mei on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 10:33pm

On June 26 at New England Eye Center, I brought my 7CR to the doctor's appointment to compare reading with the standard Goldmann IOP device.

I did 6 measurements per eye with 7CR first and then immediately after, the doctor read my IOP using Goldmann.

IOPg from 7CR was 23 mmHg on both eyes. The values were calculated from 5 valid measurements per eye. IOPg from Goldmann was 18 mmHg on both eyes. There was offset of 5 between those two devices.

Air-puff vs Goldmann... again

Submitted by lzajdel2002 on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 6:54pm

I went right to our Walmart optical after having my IOP's read by my opthamoligist using a Goldman tonometer. The MD readings were 24 left and 23 right. Walmart used an air-puff and produced 28 left and 33 right. When I informed the Walmart optician of my experiment and the results, they remeasured the right, this time yielding 29. I know the relative accuracy and repeatibilty of these two instruments have been discussed before on this forum, but I feel these differences seem too large.

A Prescription is Not Required to Buy A Tonometer for Home Monitoring

Submitted by dave on Sat, 11/20/2010 - 11:30am

We are leaving this post for historical reasons. However, a prescription is not required to purchase a tonometer for home use. Please contact us for free information about where to buy tonometers and how to save money. This is a free service we offer.

Permanently lowering eye pressure to 10 mm Hg in six months

Submitted by dave on Sat, 09/18/2010 - 12:23pm


I received the following response from a FitEyes reader on another topic. But his last comment prompted something I want to share with everyone. So please read on, starting with an edited excerpt from his comment that inspired me.

[I am on] on a six month trial doing alternate day fasting, twenty minute mindful meditative walks in nature twice a day, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every other day, while detoxing with hexagonal water.

[I am] 10% persuaded that [I] will permanently lower [my] intraocular pressure to 10 mm Hg  in six months.

That last line really caught my attention. Here is my response:

meditative walk in nature

Recommended Doctors - Posting Rules

Submitted by dave on Sat, 08/28/2010 - 11:12am

In this forum you may post information about doctors you know to be supportive of home eye pressure monitoring. In my experience, most ophthalmologists and doctors of optometry will offer support to motivated patients who wish to monitor their eye pressure at home. However, some doctors are enthusiastic while others are reluctant. If your current doctor is reluctant to support your desire to do home monitoring, you can help educate your doctor.

Many FitEyes members have won over their doctors by simply discussing the topic with them. Sometimes it takes more than one discussion.

How to Buy a Tonometer and Join

Submitted by dave on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:59pm

UPDATE: You have to purchase a tonometer directly through your doctor. As of mid-2011, tonometers are not aprpoved for home use in the USA yet. That is coming. However, you can still get a tonometer now. Doctors are allowed to prescribe medications and equipment for off-label use, so it is not a problem for your doctor that tonometers are not approved for home use. However, manufacturers and distributors of medical devices cannot recommend or sell a device for off-label use.

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I need some way of measuring my nocturnal eye pressure

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/05/2010 - 8:45am

measuring eye pressure while sleepingI need some way of measuring my nocturnal pressures. My daytime measurements are reasonably low most of the time, and relatively consistent. I want to start adjusting my medications (formulations, frequency, timing), but don't feel confident in doing this until I can take night time measurements.

I know this is a concern for just about everyone who has glaucoma. I'm surprised there isn't more discussion on FitEyes about how to take night time measurements, and how to interpret the data (I'm pretty sure I've read all that's there).


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