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Top 10 Reasons For Not Taking Your Glaucoma Eye Drops

Submitted by JohnJohn on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 3:32pm


Dr. Amy Hennessy of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore stated "Getting eyedrops into the eye is not the same as asking a patient to swallow a pill, or use a skin cream. It's easier said than done."


Consider 64% of glaucoma patients state they follow physcian's instructions "Extremely closely". Yet :

 * 75% admit to some form of non-compliant behavior,  

 * 31% don't fill prescriptions given,

 * and nearly 50% discontinue drops within 6 months.


Glaucoma eye drop compliance, persistence and adherence is serious. Non-compliance can have serious consequences on one's vision.


Learn the top 10 reasons for not taking glaucoma eye drops here:

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